
Whoa, Daddy! 13 photos @VoodooDoughnut

Exterior and interior of Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland, Oregon: 1 The sign, 2 Kitchen Door, 3 Chandelier, 4 Bird above the exit, 6 Clown in the corner, 6 Painting above door, 7 Counter, 8 "Good Things Come In Pink Boxes".

Tasty treats in the display case: 9-10 An assortment of the doughnuts available today.

What everyone in line waits for: 11 Ordering at the register. 

The prizes: 12-13 I meant to take photos of all of the doughnuts we purchased...but we scarfed 'em down pretty fast. The winner: Triple chocolate penetration. Here are the 3 we still had left to consume: Peanut, Neapolitan + Portland Cream (eyeballs included).

Posted via email from Consumed with Discretion

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