
Makin' posters for @PygMusicFest at the @LivinLettrPress.

Today, Molly and I completed the second layer of the Pygmalion Music Festival posters and we finished the backs of the "Midwest is Best" postcards. They turned out really well! The Pygmalion 2011 posters will go up around town on Thursday evening + will also be available for sale at the festival. Full festival passholders will receive one Midwest postcard in their gift tote bag.

I'd like to thank Molly and John for their time and effort to make this happen. Printing on a real letterpress was a dream come true! Check out their Facebook page for The Living Letter Press and please follow them on Twitter! And if you own an iPad, you should spend the $6 to try out their LetterMpress app.

<iframe width="960" height="750" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fVO3hfn2fb4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Posted via email from Consumed with Discretion

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