
You were a darling cat and we love you, Clover.

Our beloved cat, Clover, of eleven years was put down tonight. It all happened so fast. I am glad I was able to snuggle some with her today. I even took this video an hour before she passed. She dozed off, her head slipped off the couch and she managed to stay asleep — it was adorable. I took four videos of her until she finally woke up. This is the one. Perhaps it was her own way of saying goodbye. Although It's difficult to post it — it's my own way to cope and say goodbye. They were very sweet at the clinic and wrapped her up in a pink blanket so we could bring her back home. We laid her to rest in our backyard — we wouldn't have it any other way. Euthanasia at the Animal Emergency Clinic of Champaign County on Neil St., $95.

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