
Did somebody say McDonald's?

Currently, Seth is staying with my grandparents in Chicago. Unfortunately, they do not have the internet. So, Seth decided to work out of McDonald's to use their free Wi-Fi. I learned this from his status update on Facebook:
is working from a McDonalds, inside of the Playland. It's the only place in the joint where they have outlets. I think some of the parents are concerned.

Since he's carless too, he needed a ride back home. My grandparents lovingly picked him up and when he told me that they decided to eat dinner there, I didn't believe him. I just had to see it for myself. They ordered: Four cheeseburgers (Yes, my grandparents ordered two a piece), one small fry, one 7-Up, one caramel mocha frappe; $10.81 for two. They should have ordered this instead.

Posted via email from Consumed with Discretion

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