
Playa de los Artistas might be our favorite place in the whole world.

Playa de los Artistas sits snugly between palm trees and the lush landscape of the beach. Adorned with handcrafted, reclaimed wooded tables and reused bottles for lamps filled with pebbles from the ocean. Aside from the palatable smells that waft from the kitchen, the frothy white tide of the ocean is one of a million other sensations that fill the restaurant.
1-3 Sign outside of the restaurant, atmosphere, and our beachside table.
4-6 Beer, wine + cocktails, and dinner menus
Chile Relleno con espinacas y queso ("with spinach and cheese" for 4500 CRC = $8.89)
8 Dorado puruviano ("mahi mahi" for 5000 CRC = $9.88)
9 Lasagna de ricotta y tomate (5500 CRC = $10.86)
10 Paletta en porchetta ("pork" 8500 CRC = $16.79)
11 Spezzatino de cerdo y hongos ("pig and mushroom stew" 6500 CRC = $12.84) 
12 Punta rellena de rucola y queso (10000 CRC = $19.76)
13 Corvina entera horneada (9500 CRC = $18.77)
14-15 A ferocious piccuda for 2 ("barracuda" 16000 CRC = $31.61)
16 Helado vainilla y mora ("vanilla and blackberry homemade ice cream" 2500 CRC = $4.94)

Posted via email from Consumed with Discretion

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